Thursday, July 12, 2012

Most Common Canine Poisonings of 2011

The Pet Poison Hotline released their list of the top 10 most common dog emergencies in 2011.  I always find what dogs will eat so entertaining!!  Some of them aren't even tasty!?!?

1.  Foods (chocolate, xylitol, grapes and raisins)
2.  Insecticides (sprays, bait stations, and spot-on flea and tick treatment)
3.  Mouse and rat poison
4.  Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory human drugs (ibuprofen and naproxen)
5.  Household cleaners (sprays, detergents and polishes)  -Really?  This can't be good tasting or even fun to chew!!! 
6.  Human antidepressant drugs (Prozac, Paxil, Celexa and Effexor)
7.  Fertilizers (bone-meal, blood meal and iron based products)
8.  Acetaminophen, a human drug (Tylenol and cough and cold medicine)
9.  Amphetamine human drugs (Adderall and Concerta)
10.  Veterinary pain relievers (Rimadyl, Deramaxx and Previcox)    My own dog ate about 10x's her prescribed dose!!!  The cat fed them to her!!

All the things listed above can be very deadly if eaten in adequate amounts.  Always call your veterinarian if your pet has eaten something.  They can tell you if it is toxic and what you should do.  This may include just watching your pet or bringing it in to induce vomiting and intravenous fluids.  It is different for every case.
The other bit of advice I have is that never assume your pet can't get to a certain medication or food.  I have seen little dogs use chairs and drawers to get up onto counters.  Or in my case the cat got up on the window sill and knocked the meds down for the dog to eat....

Pet Poison Helpline - Animal Poison Control Center

(888) 426-4435

1 comment:

  1. Coconut got into my Target bag and ate a brand new pack of gum. 11 pieces!!! She threw it all up but I'm still worried! I will keep a really good eye on her! You never know when you might need pet insurance, right? Mine doesn't kick in for another week tho. Figures!
