Dogs get Lepto by drinking, swimming and or walking through contaminated water. This can be any stagnant surface water (ex. where your house drains), moist soil and ponds or lakes. The bacteria can enter through any mucous membrane (eyes, nose or mouth) or a simple cut in the skin. Lepto is contagious to other dogs and even PEOPLE through an infected dog’s urine. The Center for Disease Control estimated that ~200 people per year become infected with leptospirosis!!!
The signs of a lepto infection can be very, very nonspecific. I have had dogs come in for something as simple as limping to dogs that are vomiting and not eating, that test positive for lepto. Lepto can cause disease/failure of the kidneys and/or liver, depending on the strain. There are four strains of Lepto that we have identified to cause problems in dogs. There is a test for Lepto but it can take several days to get back from the lab. We often do some screening blood work to look at the dogs organ function. We then use that and the history to make a presumptive diagnosis (big word for an educated guess). These dogs are often treated with hospitalization, intravenous fluids AND antibiotics. If this disease is caught early and treatment is started then the dogs usually do very well.
The best way to protect you dog is vaccinate it against Lepto. The vaccine contains those four common strains of the bacteria. The vaccine is very safe and effective if given properly. I always warn my clients that we must 'boost' this vaccine. 'Boost' just means we give the initial vaccine and then in 2-3 weeks we give another vaccine. This vaccine is different than some of our other vaccines that help prevent Rabies and Parvo. Rabies and Parvo are both viruses, Lepto is a bacteria. This only matters because the 'booster' vaccine MUST be giving in that 2-3 week period. If it is not, then we need to start again with the 2 vaccine series to get adequate protection. After the 2 shot series this then becomes part of the dogs once a year vaccines.
Let me briefly tell you how vaccines work: The vaccine has little inactive parts of the actual disease (lepto) in it. It is so small that is doesn't cause your dog to get sick with Lepto but it does cause the dogs body to start an immune response (it sends in the soldiers)! The dog’s body easily takes care of the 'little' Lepto BUT now the body remembers lepto... Just like you remember that kid that stole your dessert as a child! Sooo, the next time your dog gets exposed to Lepto (drinking pond water) its body says; "Heh dude, I remember you and can easily fight off the infection". The immune system is amazing!!!
I have seen numerous cases of Lepto, in everything from a little
Here are some links about Lepto:
Pfizer Animal Health:
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