Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Top 10 Dogs for Kids

Here is a list of dog breeds to think about getting if you have kids.  But let me put my 2 cents in here about dog breeds.  I think there can be goods and bads in all dog breeds, I've seen numerous aggressive Labs and numerous sweeeeettttt Chihuahua's.(I'm just using these 2 breeds for example, I really have no breeds I specifically like or dislike.  Mine are black because they match the furniture, serious this is how we picked Cherry!!!!)  I think alot comes down to how they are trained and socialized.  I think all dogs should have some sort of training whether it be in training classes or by an experienced owner.  Both of my dogs, Cherry and Ebony went through a series of training class and in Cherry's case, 3 classes!

Top 10 Dogs for Kids

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