Tuesday, November 26, 2013

7 Adorable Wet Dogs Who Are So Over Bath Time

Photographer Sophie Gamand says she's always loved dogs but didn't know they would become her main subject. "It started by accident," she tells Yahoo Shine. "I had just moved to Brooklyn from Europe and was looking to shoot something in the neighborhood, when I walked into a vet clinic and this little dog peeked around the counter. His eyes were so expressive and worried." Now, three years later, obsessed with exploring the intense bond between humans and dogs, Gamand says that "dogs provide an endless supply of stories."  Her latest series, "Wet Dog," is her most popular so far. While some projects take more than a year, she snapped these photos of dogs being washed over one very long, very wet day in September, collaborating with Bronx-based groomer Ruben Santana, and posted them on her website earlier this month. "I was giggling the whole time behind the camera," she says.
Sarah B. Weir, Yahoo Shine Senior Writer

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